
“Gwen Suesse’s latest book, Notes from Planet Widow, serves as a powerful antidote to the pain and insecurity women who’ve suffered a loss profoundly understand.

-Reviewed by Shawn LaTorre

“Finding themselves suddenly standing on the precipice of a future they’re not sure how to navigate, they are wrapped by the author’s personal wisdom and experience in chapters using helpful quotes, poems, and analogies as carefully placed bows to inspire and coach them. Suesse’s work can easily stand as a ..upporting pedestal alongside self-help gurus and long-established professionals such as Brené Brown, Matt Licata, and Pema Chödrön…

Her advice is sensible, realistic—in a word, pragmatic. . .

I highly recommend Suesse’s book because she provides much hope in the journey toward healing after loss. She encourages her readers to watch for breadcrumbs, forks in the roads, and different opportunities. She believes that there is a grand plan bigger than any of us and that by staying in the moment, a new unfolding will reveal itself over time. “Learn to enjoy the ride instead of trying to control it fully.”

Her book is a valuable tool for growth and understanding of the aftershocks of grief.”

“Following the death of her husband, Jack, author and life coach Suesse found herself navigating the alien landscape that she now describes as “Planet Widow.” Unsure how to escape the emotions and situations that were so incredibly foreign and overwhelming, she began to deal with this as she had with most turmoil in her life: by writing it down. As her striking first line suggests—“The fact that I am writing this introduction is proof that people can and do survive loss”—keeping extensive journals offered Suesse the opportunity to discover her place in this new landscape. Notes From Planet Widow documents her explorations as she faced grief and found it within herself to chart a course to someplace wholly new. She highlights key lessons and what it took to learn them, like how essential it is to assemble a team to help take on the new burdens she found herself facing, and the value of taking time to stop and fully feel your feelings, allowing body and mind to process the loss.

Excellent prose carries the reader through, rich in metaphor and symbolism help capture the mental state of the author as she navigates a grief that readers may not be intimately familiar with, but may relate to the grieving they have experienced. Suesse is especially engaging on the tricky topic of shifting one’s perspective while enduring grief, opening up to being curious about the future, all while still allowing yourself to be angry—and daring to analyze that anger’s true roots. In addition to her own practices and hard-won insights (“The first order of business is to stop negative momentum”), Suesse peppers in wisdom from all manner of philosophers and writers.

Ideal for people who are navigating profound loss, Notes From Planet Widow offers welcome comfort, polished writing, clear-eyed guidance, and—by its very existence—heartening proof that we do survive grief … and even can thrive in the wake.”

Takeaway: Personal experience combines with selected wisdom to help anyone processing loss.

Book Life Reviews

“…satisfying grief memoir… In taut, uncluttered prose, the author organizes her thoughts in accordance with the core lessons she learned during her healing process. What emerges is a trio of ‘talismans,’ a kind of mantra for the bereaved: Grace, Curiosity, and Questions.”

- Kirkus Reviews

Guest Posts & Other Articles

Featured interview with Author Gwen Suesse.

Conversation with Gwen about her fascination with books, her writing, and her favorite authors.

Echoes of the Heart: Finding Voice in the Void: An essay about the art of writing and how at times it is like a Zen koan – a riddle with no solution. “Listen to the Spirit. Follow where it leads. Adjust as necessary. Write for [yourself,] not for others.”

Interview with Gwen Suesse, Author of Notes from Planet Widow

Description of how Gwen’s book came together, from the inspiration to the mechanics, to her writing process.


The Best Books for Grieving Widows

A list including some of the most helpful books for learning a new way to live within altered circumstances.